Fish farming
As a scientific expert, IFREMER participates in various ways in European and international organisations..
Europe and International
International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES)
ICES is the main scientific authority on the management of marine environments in the North-East Atlantic. IFREMER is part of the Advisory Committee (ACOM) that uses the analysis and conclusions of some one hundred expert groups and participates in the WGAQUA group that examines issues dealing with environment-aquaculture interactions and addresses scientific requests and advice to the sustainability of aquaculture practices carried out in Member States.
Aquaculture Multi-Stakeholder Platform (AMShP) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM)
This platform promotes the development, conservation, rational management and responsible utilisation of marine resources and the sustainable development of aquaculture in the Mediterranean and Black Seas.
The European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EATiP)
Led by professionals recognised by the European Commission as key players in innovation, knowledge transfer and European competitiveness, this platform strives to put European research and sectoral needs on the same convergent path.
The European Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Organisation (EFARO)
This association is composed of representatives from the main European research institutes, and is involved in European policy related to scientific research.
National and regional levels
On the national and regional levels, IFREMER identifies the research actions of common interest to support. IFREMER also an expert that can provide information and promote interactions pertaining to fish farming research in relation with various commissions and agencies.
The Directorate for Sea Fisheries and Aquaculture (DPMA)
Run under the auspices of the French Ministry of Environment, Energy and the Sea (MEEM), the DPMA is the competent authority for the management of professional marine and freshwater fishing as well as for marine and inland aquaculture.
Directorate General for Overseas France (DGOM)
The central administration agency of overseas France for public policies relating to overseas countries and territories, the DGOM is placed under the authority of the Ministry of Overseas France.
National Commission for Genetic Selection (CNAG)
The agency in charge of advising the Ministry of Agriculture on animal selection and outlining the missions of technical institutes, this commission is consulted on issues involving genetic selection of livestock animals.
Territorial and regional governments and competitiveness clusters
Many regional fishing/aquaculture commissions promote the management of public applied scientific research programmes (terrestrial and marine) for transfer to the private sector as well as programmes for the development of innovation and export. IFREMER fulfils its role in knowledge transfer.