Coriolis is an integrated in situ ocean observation infrastructure for the needs of operational oceanography and climate research. The scope of Coriolis was extended in 2014 and now covers all of the (near-) permanent French offshore and high-frequency coastal networks.
It fosters better integration of the French contribution to the Global Ocean Observation System (GOOS) and its European components (EuroGOOS, Euro-Argo). Coriolis limits the number of physical and biogeochemical parameters that are systematically recorded in real time or delayed mode.
Seven institutes (CNES, CNRS, IFREMER, IPEV, IRD, Météo-France, SHOM) joined forces in 2001 in the Coriolis infrastructure to set up the in situ measurements necessary for operational oceanography in France. The new Coriolis agreement (Coriolis 2014-2020) organises the next generation of ocean observations with a larger scope, enhanced relationships between operational oceanography and basic research and a renewed, extended European mission (Copernicus and Euro-Argo).
The main objectives of Coriolis are:
- to consolidate and collaboratively operate the recording, collection, validation and distribution in real time and in delayed mode of data on the in situ measurements taken in the global ocean and regional European seas and ensure that it is adapted to the needs of operational centres and marine forecast centres from the coast to the open ocean,
- to foster and develop the availability of in situ data in real time as needed by analysis centres and marine forecasts,
- deliver services to the French, European and international scientific community and operational centres,
- to offer in situ data for the Copernicus European programme,
- to meet the French commitments of the international GOOS programme.
First and foremost, Coriolis includes activities related to the implementation of ocean networks for operational oceanography and research. It thus coordinates the activities of the Euro-Argo ERIC, the SOERE CTDO2 and all the associated observation services, as well as the French participation in the networks of gliders, floating buoys and moored buoys and those that record and process data in real time deployed from French oceanographic vessels. These networks all have their own structure and scientific strategy. The cross-cutting activities of these networks (marine facilities, data centres, R&D) are pooled and coordinated through Coriolis. Coriolis also includes high-frequency coastal networks developed for coastal operational oceanography.
This in situ observation system is a permanent observatory of the state of the ocean. Its interest lies in the parameters required for operational oceanography and climate research: first and foremost temperature, salinity, currents, but also air-water interactions as well as biological parameters (oxygen, bio-optic parameters). The main objective of SOERE CTD-O2 is to meet the expectations of the research community and provide a large set of in situ accurate, interoperable data in delayed mode to facilitate collaborative data analysis and data use in studies on the role of the ocean on the climate.