Fisheries Biodiversity research unit in French Guiana

Part of the RBE Department, the Fisheries Biodiversity (Biodiversité Halieutique —BIODIVHAL) research unit in French Guiana seeks to reconcile economic viability of fisheries with stewardship for biodiversity in the name of the sustainable development of fisheries.


The French Guiana Fisheries Biodiversity is located in the city of Cayenne. Since 2016, it has been integrated in the Joint Research and Service Unit (Unité Mixte de Service et de Recherche) 3456 LEEISA Ecology, Evolution and Interactions in Amazonian systems (Laboratoire Écologie, Évolution, Interaction des systèmes Amazoniens) with the CNRS and the University of French Guiana.


The ecosystem approach for the management of fisheries is recommended by the international and European scientific community. Beyond the international commitments that impose the preservation of biodiversity, habitats and ecosystems, marine biodiversity must be taken into account in fisheries management because the economic viability of fisheries and the ecological viability of ecosystems that support them depend on it.

Each exploited species belongs to an ensemble of species that interact. The biodiversity characteristics of the community can be modified by fishing and by trophic (predator-prey) relationships. Likewise, fishing activities can influence the species’ population dynamics that have natural heritage value (mammals, turtles, birds).

The missions of the Fisheries Biodiversity unit in French Guiana revolve around these issues, using a sustainable, ecosystem approach to fisheries management, integrating bio-ecology, fisheries science and economy:

  • study, assess and develop the fisheries resources of French Guiana and promote their sustainable use,
  • improve methods for forecasting, protecting and enhancing the marine environment and promote the economic development of the fishing industry in French Guiana.