Peter Sutherland has been awarded an ERC grant for his project called WAAXT.

Peter Sutherland has been awarded an ERC grant of €2 million over 5 years. His project is called WAAXT, Wave-modulated Arctic Air-sea Exchanges, and Turbulence. The project aims to understand the effects of waves on the ice pack with a series of innovative onsite data.

The Laboratory for Ocean Physics and Satellite remote sensing (LOPS) is very well placed to host WAAXT thanks to the quality and diversity of its expertise. LOPS has decades of experience in satellite remote sensing of sea ice and waves. The wave modelling team is one of the best in the world.

Ifremer’s Projects Development team helped me in the preparation of my ERC Starting Grant project. It also provided me with support for my hearing in Brussels. At all stages of assembly and preparation of the “Grant Agreement”, the team focused on European administrative and regulatory aspects. It was essential to give me more time to focus on the scientific aspects.”